Separatory funnel constant pressure cylindrical shape,2000ml,Joint 24/29,Addition Pressure Equalizing Funnel,PTFE switch valve
Comparing to an ordinary dropping funnel, the Pressure-equalizing dropping funnels have an additional narrow-bore glass tube from the upper part of the funnel bulb to the ground glass joint around the stem at bottom. With standard taper glass outer joint at Top and inner joint at bottom, with PTFE stopcock upper on the bottom glass joint.
Pressure Equalizing Funnels
Material: Borosilicate Glass 3.3
Size: 50ml – 1000ml
Pack: one piece in one inner box.
The pressure equalizing funnel is a special type of dropping funnel.
A pressure equalizing funnel is used to add exact amounts of liquid to the receiving flask slowly and smoothly. With the side narrow-bore tube, the liquid from the funnel drops smooth without having to remove the glass joint stopper.
In a reflux reaction, the funnel will be attached to one neck of the receiving flask, while the reflux condenser will be placed on the other neck. It is also ideal to handle air-sensitive reagents in a sealed,inert-gas environment.